Press Release: Beier Group welcomes New CEO Warren Sachs

“The foundation laid by Wolfgang Beier and the vision established by the Beier family have positioned us well for the future. The manufacturing industry is a key driver of economic growth and job creation, which our country needs now more than ever. I aim to make manufacturing an industry of choice for the youth, and […]


Many risks can be identified if you use an “ergonomic lens” to look at various work environments, from office spaces to employees hanging from a high-rise. In 2019, the South African government published its first regulations for ergonomics, including the following definition: “Ergonomics means the scientific discipline concerned with the fundamental understanding of interactions among […]

Fall Arrest vs Fall Restraint

Working at heights exposes us to different fall risks and it is important to understand when and how these risks can be controlled. Before understanding this, we need to know how fall protection is categorised. Fall Protection can be defined as the overarching term for fall arrest, fall restraint and fall prevention. It is important […]

How to Establish a Culture of Workplace Health and Safety

As the old adage goes: “Prevention is better than cure”. This is especially true when it comes to occupational health and safety (OHS). A solid OHS system – a system that is guided by best practice, driven by compliance and supported by fit-for-purpose Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – is the cornerstone of a productive and […]

Celebrating the Life of an Industrial Pioneer

A philanthropist. An astute businessman. A pioneer. A mentor. A devout Christian. A family man. A true leader. It was almost a century ago that a young pioneer, OTH Beier, left Germany and set foot on South African soil, arriving in Port Elizabeth in 1929 with little money, but big ambitions. This was the beginning […]


There is always a possibility that workers will have to change over or cross over between various systems to complete their tasks while working at heights. It is vital that these two manoeuvres are performed safely. As per the European Standard EN 636 “Personal fall arrest systems”, there are a variety of systems that can […]

Working At Heights In A Confined Space

Small and enclosed areas are not only found in underground industries like the mining sector; there are a number of above-ground environments that are considered confined too, including silos, water tanks, wind turbines, manholes and storage bins. These are often accessed for maintenance, installation and restoration, and can require work to take place over 10m […]

The ABCD’s of Fall Protection

The range of personal fall protection equipment on offer in the market is so large that it can sometimes be overwhelming to decide which systems to choose to keep…

A STEP AHEAD: BBF’s Podiatric Partner Awarded PhD

BBF’s purpose-engineered approach to design has been a hallmark of our company since its founding. When it comes to footwear, that means superior safety is just the starting point. Our products protect the wearer from hazards while also taking into account the role of foot health in overall wellbeing. Comfortable, supportive footwear not only feels […]